
People today need to know so much more than any prior generation.

There are a multitude of distractions like smartphones, internet, social media, etc. So, a young adult has to learn to balance life with those distractions. How can you maintain a stable job in order to pay your bills & build credit when there are SO many other things that you HAVE to do?

There are also so many ways to get hurt today such as bullying, social media, drive-bys, and a virtual limitless number of predators – online and walking down the street. How can you maximize your potential while also staying safe from sources of negativity?

NO5537.com was created to teach everyone of any age skills they could have learned if our schools actually taught classes on how to survive after graduation. There are also skills young people would have learned if they had paid attention to teachers or parents or read an occasional book. We teach skills young people should have learned if they went to school or had a safe, stable environment at home or didn’t always feel like an outcast.