Weekends will make or break how successful you become

“Your brain will seek out comfort and shelter quickly because it uses these tools as a natural defense mechanism.”

What do I mean by that title?

The title in and of itself is extremely self-explanatory, but there is a deeper meaning wrapped into what comes with the decision to apply yourself outside of what is required.

This is where champions are made.

Not Olympic champions. I am talking about people who have beaten their own mind. You see, your mind is a tricky thing. It will coax you into thinking that you need to rest, to take a break from going toward your goals, growing as a human, and becoming what you ultimately want to be.

Why is that?

Well, there are hundreds of trillions of synapses that occur every split second in your head, which is more than any one of us could ever fathom, but the main point is this: Your brain is way more powerful than we usually give it credit for.

Your brain will seek out comfort and shelter quickly because it uses these tools as a natural defense mechanism.

Just take one second with me here: This mechanism was hard wired into our brains hundreds of thousands of years ago, only hardened by evolution, which is why it is so difficult to break free of your brain’s grasp on your decisions and make your own.

You have to consciously fight the urge to stop working because it becomes uncomfortable, or someone tells you that you are overworking yourself, or a million other things that your brain will tell you in order to return to a place of comfort, where the brain knows it will be safe.

This is especially hard to overcome when everyone around you is not fighting this simple response their brain gives them when they do something that they are fearful of. They don’t fight the urge to be comfortable, and they also have never succeeded and never will until they learn and understand how to beat this simple message that goes on between their brain and body.

How do I overcome this?

I have started to overcome it, and I am much further on the road to success than most of my peers.

Remember, this is not a brag. This is not a boast. I am simply stating the facts of the situation. I will never brag or boast to you ever while you are learning from me, which I hope you will continue to do after you realize the benefits that come with the exercise I am going to give to you later in this article for today and tomorrow and into the future.

I have simply started to put the work in to better myself when I know that most of the people around me are trudging along, in search of a better life, unable to find it.

If you want to learn how to overcome this simple synapse that occurs in your brain for over 80% of the decisions you make on a daily basis, pay close attention to this next section.

The Fix

Weekdays: Over the course of the next 2 days, I want you to come home after your job, and eat some food right away. It can be mostly anything, but make you have at least one serving of fruit and some quick carbs, such as rice or potatoes. If you only have processed food, watch out for my nutrition guide, because that will help your energy and drive that will ultimately help you achieve your goals.

After you’ve eaten, take the next 2 hours that you have available from anything that is not absolutely mandatory and work on your dream. It sounds cliche, but this is all it takes in the very beginning.

If you don’t have a dream, work on something that makes you happy and that could make you money in the process. For more information on how to learn what your passion is, stay tuned, because that post will come out Monday around 9 AM EST.

Weekends: This is where things can get exciting. If you have a few hours, preferably around 4-5 extra hours where it feels like you could be really productive on the weekends, but instead, you find yourself sleeping in, then get up earlier and work on your dream. I don’t really care what it is, it just has to make you happy, happier than you are today, and something that could supply enough money once you grow it so that you could quit your job and do the thing you love the most as your main source of income.

That is the goal. To do what you love.

Most people waste the valuable time they have on this planet in order to satisfy their brain and their deeply rooted beliefs that being comfortable is okay.

Believe me when I say that sometimes, I want nothing more than to grab a few burritos, a chocolate milkshake and some Mike and Ike’s and watch TV for 3 hours. But I know that is just my brain trying to be comfortable, so I strive to be better.

No joy comes out of that. No happiness will ever be derived from that. No fulfillment will ever be accrued from that.

Don’t you want to feel these emotions at your very core? Because I do. That’s been my goal ever since I got fed up with the way I was treating my body, mind and dreams.

Never stop growing. There is no way to become truly happy unless you are doing what you love, day in and day out.

The weekends are the perfect place to do this, because you aren’t required to do anything, and yet, once you take the first step to go out of your way and achieve the first mini goal you’ve set for yourself toward your dreams, that sense of fulfillment and love is incredible. I want everyone to feel that.

So go, keep struggling through your 9-5, hoping, wishing that the tides of fate would reverse.

Or, you could take action, start to do what you love with what little time we have here, and be happy while you are here and alive.

I want you to succeed, but I need you to realize that these words are only going to take effect if you also want to succeed.

If you made it to the end of the article, I appreciate you.

As always, follow us on social media to receive more content just like this every day of the week. I want you to win, but ultimately it is up to you. Come win with us!!