Energy: How to create more of this essential ingredient

Energy is a natural byproduct of excitement, passion, and planning.

Just remember back to the first time you were feeling tired, lethargic, or ‘down-in-the-dumps’.

How did you regain that addictive substance called energy? You remembered something that you wanted to do or had to do that lit your soul on fire, which gave you happiness, or sparked something inside of you that was begging to be called upon.

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The superior truth of working out before the sunrise

“You will notice that whatever plateau you were at before, has suddenly disappeared”

Just worked out this morning. Nothing serious, just a few hill sprints, regular sprints, squats, lunges, the normal HIIT training workout. But there was something I noticed.

Whenever you train your body before the sun rises, there is an immediate surge of dopamine that hits your system when you start your session and again once you end it. It is more powerful than sweating and training hard at any other time of day. I think this is because you are doing something that is so far outside of your comfort zone, without food in your stomach, and the fact that, unless you have a workout partner, you are completely alone with nature.

Continue reading “The superior truth of working out before the sunrise”

Mantras: The most powerful way to change your mindset

“There is more wisdom in your body than your deepest philosophy” – Friedrich Nietzsche

The above quote represents the idea of mantras and the connection between your brain and body at a deeper level than any other quote I’ve come across.

I want to you try an exercise. Find something in your own head and life that you are incredibly fearful of. Could be a specific situation, person, thing, rodent, anything really. Now, repeat this inside your own head at least 150 times for the next three days. “I am not afraid of _________. This looks cliche and childish and pointless, but you would be very surprised at the results.

Continue reading “Mantras: The most powerful way to change your mindset”

Intro to life LESSONs

Why NO5537 and what can it do for me?

Somehow getting started is the hardest part. For me with this podcast and maybe for you with any new challenge you want to take on.

Sometimes, without the pressure of other people, it can be easier to learn a new skill.

Maybe you want to surprise someone or maybe you feel embarrassed about having to learn something when everyone else seems to already know it (they usually don’t or don’t know as much as they think) or maybe you don’t want any pressure from others to get to class or do well on a test. There are no tests here, BTW.

Of course, and were already taken, but I also wanted a URL that not everyone would know what it was; only the ideal group for these lessons. Everyone can learn something from almost any lesson provided here, but the ideal learner would be someone who is:

  • Any and all Ages
  • Not happy how it’s going so far
  • Not sure what to do next
  • Looking for a safe, respectful place to learn

NO5537 or SNO5537 when turned upside down & backwards spell LESSON and LESSONS respectfully. Not too much magic or science to it, but memorable and easy to type, which is what I wanted for you and for me.

“It’s not so much the number of storms you will have to go through, it’s a matter of can you dance in the rain?.” Ray Moore.

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal”, according to Earl Nightingale’s book, The Strangest Secret, so along with the lessons you will be learning on, everyone (and me) will also be working to help you.

I can’t wait, so let’s get started!!