How to make your promises a powerful must

“It is the fighting spirit that has led you to the place you stand at today”

5 minute read


It’s the simplest thing. Following through. But it tends to be the most difficult for most people. Nobody understands when they make a promise or agree to a contract of some sort, whether physical, emotional, or mental, that you are not done when you put your name on the dotted line, or say that you will do whatever it is you agreed to do.


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Living in the Moment: The importance of being present

“Do you honestly believe you will ever be happy if you don’t move your gaze outside of the screen of your TV or your phone or your computer?”

Do you want to succeed?

It’s a genuine question. I sometimes wonder why so many people fail to achieve their dreams however large or small. And I think I’ve figured out the root cause of all of these shortcomings.

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Mantras: The most powerful way to change your mindset

“There is more wisdom in your body than your deepest philosophy” – Friedrich Nietzsche

The above quote represents the idea of mantras and the connection between your brain and body at a deeper level than any other quote I’ve come across.

I want to you try an exercise. Find something in your own head and life that you are incredibly fearful of. Could be a specific situation, person, thing, rodent, anything really. Now, repeat this inside your own head at least 150 times for the next three days. “I am not afraid of _________. This looks cliche and childish and pointless, but you would be very surprised at the results.

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