Excuses: How to get rid of them

“You just need to make sure you are not holding yourself back by making excuses when you could be making progress”

Excuses are like wildfire. They spread and spread and spread and never really come to a stop unless an avalanche of the right stuff, in this case, water and whatever else they use to stop a fire is used. That is, it is much better to stop the wildfire spread of excuses while you can before everything falls apart because you didn’t stop the flow of excuses from your brain to the real world.

You see, your brain will try to justify everything that you, in the moment, think is right. Even if what you’re doing is the stupidest thing on the planet, or if you’ve made the same mistake countless times, your brain will still recognize the activity as fun, carefree, and worth it if you are making yourself happy while you’re doing that thing, whatever it may be.

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How to acquire Greek God levels of confidence for life

8 Minute Read

There are 3 pillars to acquiring Greek God levels of confidence. That’s it. No gimmicks. No bullsh*t. 3 things. And if you fix them, master them, learn how to use them, and put them into action every single day starting from the time you wake up to the time you put your head back on that pillow, you will transform from someone who’s currently afraid to talk to that cute girl/guy, afraid to stand up to their boss, or afraid to change their life to do what they love regardless of money to someone who meets all the challenges in his/her life and wins at every obstacle in life. If that sounds interesting, then keep reading.

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Gratitude: How to live your life on your own terms

“what you truly love and how you love it is impossible to put into words”

7 Minute Read

People are going to try and tell you what to do your entire life.

They’re going to tell you to go to school, get a safe job, get married, have some kids, save for retirement. None of this is bad at all. It just may not connect with what makes you happy as a person. If that sounds like you, this next part is the most important thing you may ever read.

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Superfoods: What are the most powerful foods on the planet?

“You cannot keep letting your insecurities and fears keep you in a bind for the rest of your life”

5 Minute Read

When I first heard of the term “superfood”, I was like any other person and was immediately interested. I mean, who wouldn’t be? A food that could radically change how your body functions without all the hard work? I was in love with the idea, and I was ready to buy out everything.

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How to make your promises a powerful must

“It is the fighting spirit that has led you to the place you stand at today”

5 minute read


It’s the simplest thing. Following through. But it tends to be the most difficult for most people. Nobody understands when they make a promise or agree to a contract of some sort, whether physical, emotional, or mental, that you are not done when you put your name on the dotted line, or say that you will do whatever it is you agreed to do.


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Action: The superior and the best cure for procrastination

“Drive that procrastination out of your life”

6 minute read

Ever wondered how to snap out of that funk? Create that life filled with immense joy and fulfilling moments? Fix your mindset and change into the person you know you can become? Finally fix your diet and your horrid exercise routine(or lack thereof)?

You’ve come to the right place. This is the no bullsh*t, practical site to learn everything to fix your mindset, body, energy, business savvy, and confidence issues.

This particular post is focused on action, which is so heavily involved in each of those 5 categories than you could possibly imagine.

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Sleep: How to make great sleep normal

“your entire system gets rebooted once you start giving it the proper rest it needs.”

5 minute read

Ask yourself honestly: Are you getting enough sleep? Do you get groggy at 2 pm for no reason? Do you experience unreal stressors or anxiety attacks for no explainable reason? Are you experiencing fat gains or muscle loss for no reason? Or maybe you just aren’t putting on the amount you think you should? If so, you’ll want to read this post.

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Gut Health: How to make your body work optimally

“Your body naturally adapts to everything you throw at it, because that is how we came from cavemen to standing up tall with all of the resources we have today”

8 minute read

Everyone has had that day or week or perhaps it is a constant reciprocation in your life, where you keep on eating and either don’t, can’t or do not want to stop, and this has caused tension in your own life, or maybe it has affected someone you know. Maybe you just want to be able to control what you eat, when you eat, or how much you eat. Or maybe you have been affected severely and this problem has manifested in your life, shown by physical symptoms such as headaches, bloating, an increase in weight due to fat gain, feeling tired all the time regardless of the amount of sleep you got the previous night, or mental symptoms such as depression, anxiety, or even, in an extreme case, thoughts of suicide.

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Mantras: The most powerful way to change your mindset

“There is more wisdom in your body than your deepest philosophy” – Friedrich Nietzsche

The above quote represents the idea of mantras and the connection between your brain and body at a deeper level than any other quote I’ve come across.

I want to you try an exercise. Find something in your own head and life that you are incredibly fearful of. Could be a specific situation, person, thing, rodent, anything really. Now, repeat this inside your own head at least 150 times for the next three days. “I am not afraid of _________. This looks cliche and childish and pointless, but you would be very surprised at the results.

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