“All good surprises have a good central plot, a piece de resistance”
Daily Life
Life is filled with daily chores. Get up the children, feed the dog, take out the trash, get the kids ready for school, make breakfast, get dressed for work, pack up the laptop, put the papers back in the folder. And, what about the do not forget times? Don’t forget your homework, don’t forget your lunch money, don’t forget your dad will pick you up early for the doctor, don’t forget we have friends over for dinner tonight, don’t forget to pick up dinner after the doctor. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It is no wonder there are realms of literature about organization, stress management, how to stay focused and my favorite “one-minute manager.” That is all the time we have left. One minute. Every day, in every kitchen around the world, this scenario, like the one above, is replayed with untold precision, right? No. While the story may begin the same the ending is quite different because the only reliable truth is tomorrow will be much like today. Do not sit there and let life be filled with surprises, instead decide to fill life with surprises. I know that the simple decision I never purposely made, trying to surprise people I know, and some I have never met, contains the key to my state of mind. As I have grown wiser, because getting older did not sound like much fun, I continue to see myself as a child. When I talk to neighbors about a project, I truly feel like I did when I asked my father how to do something: Natural curiosity, wanting to learn something new, and glad that this older person wants to help me be the teenager with this project. So, I urge you to think young, feel happy, and look for surprise opportunities.
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