Social Media: The powerful solution to the most complex communicator on the planet

“In the meantime, stop demonizing social media because it is not the core of your problems, insecurities, or issues”

What is demonized so frequently, and I have done this often and still find myself slipping into this mindset, is the internet and social media.

What people say is wrong with social media is exactly what they are internally struggling with.

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Weekends will make or break how successful you become

“Your brain will seek out comfort and shelter quickly because it uses these tools as a natural defense mechanism.”

What do I mean by that title?

The title in and of itself is extremely self-explanatory, but there is a deeper meaning wrapped into what comes with the decision to apply yourself outside of what is required.

This is where champions are made.

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Why waking up with the sunrise makes you powerful

“That is true power, controlling what you can control”

I did not want to get out of bed this morning. It was actually luck that I did, because I had a lot of things I needed to accomplish before going to work.

I had forgot to fill up my huge cup of water I usually drink part of when I wake up and I don’t mean to, but today it was empty and my throat was extremely dry. So, even though all I wanted was to hop back into bed and fall back asleep, I struggled down to the faucet, fighting my own mind and mindset all the way, “should I get up?”, “should I go back to bed?”

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Gratitude: How to live your life on your own terms

“what you truly love and how you love it is impossible to put into words”

7 Minute Read

People are going to try and tell you what to do your entire life.

They’re going to tell you to go to school, get a safe job, get married, have some kids, save for retirement. None of this is bad at all. It just may not connect with what makes you happy as a person. If that sounds like you, this next part is the most important thing you may ever read.

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Superfoods: What are the most powerful foods on the planet?

“You cannot keep letting your insecurities and fears keep you in a bind for the rest of your life”

5 Minute Read

When I first heard of the term “superfood”, I was like any other person and was immediately interested. I mean, who wouldn’t be? A food that could radically change how your body functions without all the hard work? I was in love with the idea, and I was ready to buy out everything.

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Fear: The only powerful thing you’ll ever need

“This place is an infectious place for growth”

7 minute read

A lot of people try to avoid fear.

That can go well, but more often than not, you are running from your problems. You need to face your problems, as uncomfortable as that makes you. You need to do what you don’t want to do, because you will either get over it and not fear it anymore or you will love yourself for being the stronger person and overcoming your fear of the fear itself.

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Limiting Beliefs: How to create empowering beliefs to live your best life.


“whenever you have a negative thought, habit or belief, stop yourself immediately and think something positive”

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Most people will obtain an idea and act on that idea once or twice for a week or maybe even a month before dropping it because they found a new, more exciting prospect that they think will make their entire life perfect tomorrow. Believe me, I’ve done this tons of times, and it has caused me to stay in the same place for an inconceivably long time, but I have figured out how to break the cycle of suffering.

Continue reading “Limiting Beliefs: How to create empowering beliefs to live your best life.”

Mantras: The most powerful way to change your mindset

“There is more wisdom in your body than your deepest philosophy” – Friedrich Nietzsche

The above quote represents the idea of mantras and the connection between your brain and body at a deeper level than any other quote I’ve come across.

I want to you try an exercise. Find something in your own head and life that you are incredibly fearful of. Could be a specific situation, person, thing, rodent, anything really. Now, repeat this inside your own head at least 150 times for the next three days. “I am not afraid of _________. This looks cliche and childish and pointless, but you would be very surprised at the results.

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HIIT: Why it’s superior to traditional cardio.

“push harder and harder and get outside of your comfort zone regularly and watch the results flood in”


Have you ever wanted a clear cut way to lose weight and didn’t want all of the crap that is constantly served to you on a silver platter about what one workout/food/change will do for you? If so, you came to the right page for the completely free, honest truth about how everybody’s bodies work and why hours of cardio does nothing except waste your time.

Continue reading “HIIT: Why it’s superior to traditional cardio.”