Excuses: How to get rid of them

“You just need to make sure you are not holding yourself back by making excuses when you could be making progress”

Excuses are like wildfire. They spread and spread and spread and never really come to a stop unless an avalanche of the right stuff, in this case, water and whatever else they use to stop a fire is used. That is, it is much better to stop the wildfire spread of excuses while you can before everything falls apart because you didn’t stop the flow of excuses from your brain to the real world.

You see, your brain will try to justify everything that you, in the moment, think is right. Even if what you’re doing is the stupidest thing on the planet, or if you’ve made the same mistake countless times, your brain will still recognize the activity as fun, carefree, and worth it if you are making yourself happy while you’re doing that thing, whatever it may be.

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Seven powerful steps to fill life with surprises!

“All good surprises have a good central plot, a piece de resistance”

Daily Life

Life is filled with daily chores. Get up the children, feed the dog, take out the trash, get the kids ready for school, make breakfast, get dressed for work, pack up the laptop, put the papers back in the folder. And, what about the do not forget times? Don’t forget your homework, don’t forget your lunch money, don’t forget your dad will pick you up early for the doctor, don’t forget we have friends over for dinner tonight, don’t forget to pick up dinner after the doctor. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It is no wonder there are realms of literature about organization, stress management, how to stay focused and my favorite “one-minute manager.” That is all the time we have left. One minute. Every day, in every kitchen around the world, this scenario, like the one above, is replayed with untold precision, right? No. While the story may begin the same the ending is quite different because the only reliable truth is tomorrow will be much like today. Do not sit there and let life be filled with surprises, instead decide to fill life with surprises. I know that the simple decision I never purposely made, trying to surprise people I know, and some I have never met, contains the key to my state of mind. As I have grown wiser, because getting older did not sound like much fun, I continue to see myself as a child. When I talk to neighbors about a project, I truly feel like I did when I asked my father how to do something: Natural curiosity, wanting to learn something new, and glad that this older person wants to help me be the teenager with this project. So, I urge you to think young, feel happy, and look for surprise opportunities.

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Superfoods: What are the most powerful foods on the planet?

“You cannot keep letting your insecurities and fears keep you in a bind for the rest of your life”

5 Minute Read

When I first heard of the term “superfood”, I was like any other person and was immediately interested. I mean, who wouldn’t be? A food that could radically change how your body functions without all the hard work? I was in love with the idea, and I was ready to buy out everything.

Continue reading “Superfoods: What are the most powerful foods on the planet?”

How you can increase your energy in the morning

“That just does not happen if I do not take a cold shower”

5 minute read

Do you want to live your life full of energy and enthusiasm or do you want to stay the same and be the same person for the entirety of your existence on this planet? Yes, this same principle applies to cold showers along with most of the topics that I’ve discussed with you guys before today.

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HIIT: Why it’s superior to traditional cardio.

“push harder and harder and get outside of your comfort zone regularly and watch the results flood in”


Have you ever wanted a clear cut way to lose weight and didn’t want all of the crap that is constantly served to you on a silver platter about what one workout/food/change will do for you? If so, you came to the right page for the completely free, honest truth about how everybody’s bodies work and why hours of cardio does nothing except waste your time.

Continue reading “HIIT: Why it’s superior to traditional cardio.”