How to make your inadequacies something powerful

“It’s so simple. But everyone struggles with it. The solution?”

We all have inadequacies. They can haunt us, breathing down our necks as if our shadow was eating at itself.

That is the internal struggle that everyone goes through. I know this because I am going through it too. Everyone wants to grow, but no one wants to address where they are weak, areas in their life that need to improve, and are usually hard to decipher and improve. That’s what this article is about.

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Meditation: How to shape your life using this powerful tool

“honing in on what you are doing in the present moment, which is the entire purpose of meditation”

Meditation has been used for centuries, and it has started to pick up steam in the past 10-20 years, with people finally realizing that it has actual benefits other than looking like a monk in complete stillness.

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How to become mentally powerful during a difficult workout

“having the ability and bravery to push through your fears”

I have been working out for the past 5 years and have learned way more about it than any other subject that I have ever learned.

By far the hardest part of training your body is telling your body that you can push further, regardless of what your brain is telling you.

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Weekends will make or break how successful you become

“Your brain will seek out comfort and shelter quickly because it uses these tools as a natural defense mechanism.”

What do I mean by that title?

The title in and of itself is extremely self-explanatory, but there is a deeper meaning wrapped into what comes with the decision to apply yourself outside of what is required.

This is where champions are made.

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Why waking up with the sunrise makes you powerful

“That is true power, controlling what you can control”

I did not want to get out of bed this morning. It was actually luck that I did, because I had a lot of things I needed to accomplish before going to work.

I had forgot to fill up my huge cup of water I usually drink part of when I wake up and I don’t mean to, but today it was empty and my throat was extremely dry. So, even though all I wanted was to hop back into bed and fall back asleep, I struggled down to the faucet, fighting my own mind and mindset all the way, “should I get up?”, “should I go back to bed?”

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Excuses: How to get rid of them

“You just need to make sure you are not holding yourself back by making excuses when you could be making progress”

Excuses are like wildfire. They spread and spread and spread and never really come to a stop unless an avalanche of the right stuff, in this case, water and whatever else they use to stop a fire is used. That is, it is much better to stop the wildfire spread of excuses while you can before everything falls apart because you didn’t stop the flow of excuses from your brain to the real world.

You see, your brain will try to justify everything that you, in the moment, think is right. Even if what you’re doing is the stupidest thing on the planet, or if you’ve made the same mistake countless times, your brain will still recognize the activity as fun, carefree, and worth it if you are making yourself happy while you’re doing that thing, whatever it may be.

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How to acquire Greek God levels of confidence for life

8 Minute Read

There are 3 pillars to acquiring Greek God levels of confidence. That’s it. No gimmicks. No bullsh*t. 3 things. And if you fix them, master them, learn how to use them, and put them into action every single day starting from the time you wake up to the time you put your head back on that pillow, you will transform from someone who’s currently afraid to talk to that cute girl/guy, afraid to stand up to their boss, or afraid to change their life to do what they love regardless of money to someone who meets all the challenges in his/her life and wins at every obstacle in life. If that sounds interesting, then keep reading.

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Gratitude: How to live your life on your own terms

“what you truly love and how you love it is impossible to put into words”

7 Minute Read

People are going to try and tell you what to do your entire life.

They’re going to tell you to go to school, get a safe job, get married, have some kids, save for retirement. None of this is bad at all. It just may not connect with what makes you happy as a person. If that sounds like you, this next part is the most important thing you may ever read.

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Superfoods: What are the most powerful foods on the planet?

“You cannot keep letting your insecurities and fears keep you in a bind for the rest of your life”

5 Minute Read

When I first heard of the term “superfood”, I was like any other person and was immediately interested. I mean, who wouldn’t be? A food that could radically change how your body functions without all the hard work? I was in love with the idea, and I was ready to buy out everything.

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