Superfoods: What are the most powerful foods on the planet?

“You cannot keep letting your insecurities and fears keep you in a bind for the rest of your life”

5 Minute Read

When I first heard of the term “superfood”, I was like any other person and was immediately interested. I mean, who wouldn’t be? A food that could radically change how your body functions without all the hard work? I was in love with the idea, and I was ready to buy out everything.

It was only when I started looking at the actual foods that were on these lists that I decided that “superfoods” to the mainstream were just another fad, destined to be ruined by the multi-billion dollar companies who put profit over quality every day. For example, some of these foods include berries, eggs, salmon, garlic, kale, dark chocolate, yogurt, and, my personal favorite, apples. Let me invite you to a little newsflash. These are not superfoods. They are called regular foods. These are things that have been eaten by man since the dawn of time, and the only reason they are regarded as the healthiest foods on the planet is because they do not have a truckload of sugar, which is what the average American eats every single day. Is it you? Is it a loved one? Is it your best friend? Who is making these same mistakes around you? Putting apples and eggs and berries on a pedestal? These foods should be normal for you to eat. But, sadly, most people rarely eat anything remotely this nutritious, and, if you haven’t been paying attention, there are way more “superfood” worthy foods in the world that you see every day but don’t think twice about. I really didn’t know how to connect you to the real world and the real world of eating and maintaining proper nutrition. I thought I would start by debunking the basic myth that apples are the healthiest thing on the planet. Now, don’t get me wrong, apples are extremely healthy, they just should not be on top of the pyramid of health and are definitely not a superfood.

Actual Superfoods

So, I sought out to find actual superfoods and have been experimenting with them in my personal nutrition and have found amazing benefits from actual superfoods. Here is a list of foods that actually deserve the title ‘super’:

  • Black Pepper* 
  • Turmeric 
  • Moringa Powder 
  • Cayenne Pepper 
  • Camu Camu 
  • Chlorella 
  • Acai Powder 
  • Spirulina 
  • Goji Berry Powder 
  • Cacao Powder 
  • Chia Powder 
  • Ashwagandha 
  • Matcha (Japanese Tea) 
  • Lucuma 

My personal favorite combination is Moringa, Turmeric, Cayenne Pepper, and Black Pepper, mixed with about 12 oz. of water. I love to drink this around 9-10 AM in the morning because it wakes the f*ck up and makes me treasure foods that actually taste good and not take them for granted anymore.

These foods, which are all in powdered form, have the highest concentration of nutrition that I know of on the entirety of Earth. There are others, obviously, which I have not yet found, but this is a glorious start for anyone who still thinks that eggs and apples contain the highest amounts of nutrition that nature has to offer.

This list is a sneak peek of my new nutrition guide, which will take care of all of your nutritional needs for life, whatever kind of life you lead. We’re still pondering the name, if you’re wondering. Come visit us on Instagram @lifelessons5537 or @b99solo if you want to find out more information about this exclusive offer.

I recommend using 3-4 of these ingredients, with black pepper, with around 12 oz. of water. If you do not mind the worst tasting thing you have ever consumed, go for it. If you’re like 99% of people who would puke, then add a teaspoon of honey into your shake. This will offset the flavor, and if you buy local, organic honey, then you are actually adding to your daily nutrition while increasing the likelihood that you will not be revolted by the taste and will stick to one of the healthiest practices on the planet.

Change your thinking about nutrition

Back to my rant, the reason I bring all of this up is because one huge part of what we do here at NO5537 is to provide you with all the lessons you need to take on life at the highest level. A key part of those lessons is your body, and the way to maintain and increase your physique, mental state, and happiness is to optimize your nutrition. That is why I feel the need to steer you clear of the cliche thinking that fruit and veggies are all I need and I can eat like sh*t the rest of the day. That is simply not the truth. Adding in some of these superfoods, actual superfoods, from my list above, will start to make your body invincible and you will slowly increase your livelihood one day at a time. You will still have to eat a well rounded meal plan, ripe with healthy proteins, filling carbohydrates, and luscious fats. A future post will highlight why the right kind of fats are good, necessary, and not the the worst thing ever.

We were meant to consume nature at its core, but the food industry has taken a steep left turn away from natural foods, and poisoned our brains and the food which supplies the energy for your brain to properly function. What I mean by poison is that the food industry has taken your taste buds, and manufactured food so that anything naturally sweet, such as an apple or berries, suddenly tastes extremely bitter and fruit appears unworthy of our time.

It was amazing, about 4 years ago, I was not eating optimally and my nutrition consisted mostly of processed foods, sugar, Gatorade, and candy, like most of you at some point in your life. I stopped most of these foods around 4 years ago(I still haven’t been able to completely give up sugar, but we’re working on it), and something incredible occurred. For the first time, I actually thought blueberries, blackberries, and kiwis were sweet. Before I stopped eating all the sugary foods, I just assumed foods like these were tangy, but that was because my taste buds and brain were literally being poisoned by the exhausting food industry that we’ve grown up in, and I didn’t know any better.

Now I do. And you should too.

Why you have to do something to better yourself

You cannot keep letting your insecurities and fears keep you in a bind for the rest of your life(wrote a whole post on how to fix this) -> Fear. You must break out of your shell at some point, whether that’s going to the gym or eating right, or even gaining godly confidence, I will help will all of that and more. You just need to apply what you learn here.

The easiest way to do that? Go out and buy some turmeric powder. Only costs $15 for a 3 month’s supply. Add that to 12 oz. of water, add in some black pepper, add in some honey, shake it up and drink it. Watch as your body and mind transform from laziness to power, strength, and confidence. I beg you, don’t just exit this tab and never think of nutrition again. Do something, anything, and you will find that the first step you take makes all the future ones that much easier.

I love each and every one of you. You are amazing. You are passionate. You are spectacular. You just don’t know it yet. Follow the steps I’ve laid out for you, and watch out for that nutrition guide because it takes all of these insights, problems, and little changes and combines them into a masterpiece of lifetime nutrition.

You can conquer the world. You just don’t think you can, yet. We are here to help, changing your life one lesson at a time. Till the next time.