Quitting: How to make quitting something you laugh about

It is the most natural thing for us as humans, to fear change

Why boasting is the worst thing you could do

Everyone boasts about what they are currently doing, but if they really followed through on something, anything, then they wouldn’t have to be boasting at all. They could merely be present and live their life and people could ask them how they got so successful in the first place.

Boasting does not come from a place of sincerity. In a way, boasting is done to encourage the person who is doing the boasting to rethink their life because they went extremely wrong somewhere along the way and are looking for a way back to growth. That person may not know it at the time, but they are boasting only because they themselves are unsure if they are going to succeed. You want to know why they are unsure?

It is because they have quit countless times at multiple endeavors that they think boasting about their new endeavor will somehow raise its importance within their own psyche and cause them to double down and put more effort in, when, in reality, it has the opposite effect.

Bragging or boasting about your future accomplishments actually returns your mind to a state of peace because you just, whether intentional or not, told your mind that you accomplished what you wanted to, what you were literally just boasting about.

And so, as a byproduct of your words, thoughts, and actions, and how they subsequently affected how you perceived that goal, you no longer feel any need to pursue the goal in any meaningful fashion.

How to change your mindset around your future

Instead, I want you to perform an experiment.

The next time you have a great idea, plan, or thought, keep it to yourself. And even when you have made some progress, only tell people about what you have accomplished, but don’t brag about it. Put your ideas out there in a way that suggests that you are open to new ideas, that you are vulnerable in a way, that you are not above other people in the wake of a new idea.

But wait to tell anyone until you’ve hit the ground running. This ensures that you keep your brain hungry and wanting to succeed, and then when you do tell people, if they help you, great, if they don’t, you will have enough belief in yourself to continue pursuing your idea, goal, dream, whatever it may be.

Why do so many people quit all the time?

People are hardwired to seek comfort. I have been over this in depth in my last two posts, and if you want more information on the subject, please go read and update yourself on the topic before continuing. This is why everyone loves new ideas, thoughts, plans, and gets all excited about the glorious future.

Then it comes time to put the idea, goal, dream into action, and everyone’s minds seem to stop and crash and burn inside their own heads.

No, they don’t actually stop, but we as an organism, are incredibly fearful of change. It is the most natural thing for us as humans, to fear change. That is why I recommend keeping it simple.

The next time you have a fabulous, world-altering idea, keep it to yourself, as aforementioned, but also keep it to one idea. Expand on that one core idea, principle, or value as wide as you can, but make sure that the idea does not become 2 or 3 core ideas and force you to work overtime for 2 or 3 separate ideas, because you will burn out and quit all of them.

I want you to keep it simple. Whenever people make things complicated, they are much less likely to follow through each and every day. This is what plagues humans, the complication of their ideas. This is what persuades people to quit all the time, and pretty much anything that they see as too difficult, too complex, or too time-consuming.

This is why keeping your idea boiled down to 1 key element, idea, or narrative is essential to its success and yours.

So, the next time you have an idea, what are you going to do?

1: Don’t tell anyone about it upfront. Keep it to yourself until you are sure the idea has merit and then share it in a way that encourages camaraderie. Then work with anyone who genuinely wants to help, but if no one wants to help, that is fine and quite possibly better, because you know, by this point, that your idea is worthwhile and you will continue to work toward it.

2: Keep your idea simple and boil the entirety of what is in your head down to one main idea, theme, or value. This ensures that you do not over-complicate your own idea in an attempt to take it to the next level. Work with that one idea and really work at it, and soon you will find that adding other streams of ideas to it becomes simple, effortless, and most importantly, does not clog your brain with an idea that is over-complicated.

I sincerely hope you are taking value from each of my articles. They are written from my own experiences and I believe you can learn from my mistakes so that you don’t have to repeat them all over again.

Don’t get me wrong, there are many things that you need to fail at on your own, to ensure that you are mentally strong enough to endure success and its many trials and tribulations.

But right now, I want you to focus on one thing. Getting better. Achieving more with each day that passes. And when you start to do that, more and more seemingly impossible ideas start to become reality one by one. This is how you succeed in this world. Through sheer grit and hard work. Put your time in. And you will be rewarded in the end.

Come and win with us.