Living in the Moment: The importance of being present

“Do you honestly believe you will ever be happy if you don’t move your gaze outside of the screen of your TV or your phone or your computer?”

Do you want to succeed?

It’s a genuine question. I sometimes wonder why so many people fail to achieve their dreams however large or small. And I think I’ve figured out the root cause of all of these shortcomings.

It’s due to a person’s inability to stay in the moment. See, this doesn’t seem like that big of a deal to you right now but if you are constantly in the past or the future, you are not where your feet are. This is a goddamn problem. A huge one.

The present moment contains all of the joy you will ever find in life. This is where love, hate, joy, passion, fear, anger, anxiety, depression, happiness and every single other emotion that humans are meant to feel actually experience.

Failing to be here, right goddamn here, is setting yourself up for failure and a fate so much worse than eating something that doesn’t agree with your diet or missing a workout. You will actually miss out on what you are meant to be here, on Earth, alive for: The Human Experience.

This is not a product promotion. Not a paid advertisement. Not a cliche. This is called life. It’s time we started living.

There are a thousand things that technology helps with, but one thing, one massive thing that it has restricted is the social interaction part of life, which is the whole f*cking thing. I mean, what the hell?!?! Do you honestly believe you will ever be happy if you don’t move your gaze outside of the screen of your TV or your phone or your computer? That’s called life, motherf*cker.

You should have heard thousands of people talk about this before, and that’s because it’s important.

I want you to try something.

Read this next paragraph and then once you’re done, finish the article:

Put your phone down, go outside or to a window where you can see nature, breathe in for 3 seconds, hold for 3, and out for 3. Do that 5 times. Then just look outside and watch Mother Nature do her thing. Just that. Seriously. Go do it.

How relaxed do you feel? How much anxiety do feel? None? Good. If you still feel some, go do it again. Seriously, if you feel any anxiety, go do that again, I’ll wait.

The amount of time our brains spend in hyper alert mode is so much higher than it was in previous generations. Let’s f*cking calm down. The entire reason we are worried about other people’s opinions is because we’re so stuck on past experiences where we think someone judged us and now hold a grudge that we’re not good enough because of some random persons glance????? No, we’re stronger than that.

How to get out of your past?

The way to get out of your past, which is a collection of the fear of other people’s opinions that may or may not have been true, is to realize that all of your experiences were meant to help you and guide you to learn, to get better, to know that everyone is in the same boat. Nobody knows what the hell is going on. We are all trying to make it. We are all trying to be the most beautiful. We are all trying to be the most fashionable. We are all trying to be the wealthiest. This is why others people’s opinions don’t hold any weight and those ‘glances’ that people slip your way when you try something different with your appearance is a natural human reaction. Strut your shit when that happens. I want you to revel in the attention you are getting. Love the eyes that are following you wherever you are.

Now, narcissism is an elevated version of this, but if you are struggling with dealing with other people’s opinions like I did for so many years, you have a long way to go before you have the slightest potential to become narcissistic.

Let’s say you fix the perceptive thoughts your brain is receiving from a negative assortment to a positive one, where do you go from there??

This is where living in the present moment comes in. Feel the joy, the passion, especially the passion, feel happy, feel sad, feel anger, feel empathy, feel frustration, feel love, feel anxiety, feel pride, feel embarrassment, and please, please, please feel all of these emotions where your feet are.

It seems so simple, but it really isn’t. You start experiencing everything the way it’s meant to be experienced, free of the bounds of other people and the distraught that they have put you through in your past, you will feel so renewed and powerful.

So, start living in the present moment and stop thinking that anyone outside of your inner circle cares about you enough to change your own opinion of yourself. You control that. You are so powerful. Change the goddamn world. One person at a time. Love you guys.

Comment down below what your thoughts are on this post. Do you guys spend too much time in the past or even the future? Share with your friends and live everyday like you were meant to.