How to acquire Greek God levels of confidence for life

8 Minute Read

There are 3 pillars to acquiring Greek God levels of confidence. That’s it. No gimmicks. No bullsh*t. 3 things. And if you fix them, master them, learn how to use them, and put them into action every single day starting from the time you wake up to the time you put your head back on that pillow, you will transform from someone who’s currently afraid to talk to that cute girl/guy, afraid to stand up to their boss, or afraid to change their life to do what they love regardless of money to someone who meets all the challenges in his/her life and wins at every obstacle in life. If that sounds interesting, then keep reading.

Pillar #1 – Posture

I know you have heard this before. That’s because it’s important. If you haven’t heard this before, then let this be your massive wake up call.

Posture is incredible. One moment your shoulders are slumping forward, neck craning, eyes looking basically at the ground, and the top of your head is somehow making a 45 degree angle with the ground. Sound familiar? If it doesn’t, then go in front of the mirror, turn sideways and don’t try to have good posture. Look forward, away from the mirror, take a huge deep breath, exhale, relax and then look back at the mirror. That is what your posture is on a daily basis, around everyone, regardless of what you tell yourself.

What I want you to do is focus on changing 2 things. Just 2.

1: Every time you can possibly think about it, think about pushing your chest through your sternum. If you don’t know what a sternum is, look it up. Don’t go insane with this, because you’ll look like a male peacock trying to attract a mate, yeah, ridiculous. Just focus on moving the top of your chest out through your sternum a bit while pulling your shoulders back and down toward the middle of your spine. That’s #1.

#2: This is the more important one. I want you to start paying attention to where your eyes are routinely going throughout the day. Are they looking toward the ground more, toward your feet more, looking below where your eyes are at on your head? If that is the case, practice looking a few inches above your head. This does 3 things. 1, it raises your eye level, making you appear more confident. 2, it instantly helps your posture because you can’t look up and have forward neck posture at the same time without looking as if you are trying to stick your head up a pipe somewhere. You’ll feel it and bring your neck back naturally. 3, your actual confidence will be raised because you will have a chance to practice eye contact more, but I am getting ahead of myself.

If you do these 2 things every day for about a week, you will notice massive differences in posture, confidence, and perhaps even fix some pain you were experiencing in the back of your neck, front of your shoulders or your lower back. You can even alleviate most headaches just by fixing your posture and fix which muscles are being used when.

Pillar #2: Eye Contact

This may be the most dominating thing you will ever learn in your entire life. It seems so simple when you see someone having a conversation on a TV show or a movie where both characters give mostly constant eye contact, but in real life, there is something so incredibly difficult about maintaining eye contact with someone you don’t already know. This is hard because we don’t want to come off as an assh*le, but if you want to appear confident in any way and not be viewed as a submissive person who gives in at the slightest hint of conflict, then eye contact is mandatory.

This next example is a great way to practice eye contact without appearing like you’re a psychopath. The next time you are going to dinner at a restaurant or entering a store somewhere, do this one thing: Focus on who greets you as you’re entering that restaurant or store and maintain eye contact the entire time while you are walking up to talk to them. This is such a powerful exercise to try because if you struggle with maintaining eye contact for even a few seconds, this will feel like an eternity.

That is the point. Confidence is not for the weak. That is why the most powerful people on the planet and the people who get what they want on this planet are the most confident people alive. You are going to have to work at it every single day you are on this planet. Confidence is like a muscle. Train it, then let it rest for a bit, then train it some more and you will grow stronger, gain more confidence, and become a person you are proud of extremely soon. Never train it, or train it irregularly, and you will reach a plateau where you don’t become any more confident than you currently are. It’s really quite simple.

Pillar #3: Daily Tasks

This one may surprise some people, shock a few, and be obvious to a couple. To the people that it is obvious to, you are very close to achieving Greek God levels of confidence. To everyone else, pay attention.

I’ve touched on this topic before. I wrote an entire post on it, in fact. Entitled ‘Do What You Say’, the main topic of that post was to do what you say you’re going to do. Not exactly complex. But it is such a hard concept for people to put into practice. Whenever there arises an opportunity to exchange an activity that would put you closer to your goals for an activity that doesn’t do sh*t for your long term goals, but gives you immediate gratification, most people choose the latter.

I have done this countless times, as I’m sure anyone has done. The pleasure of stuffing your face with pizza or going out to a party till 2 AM, or sleeping in until 9 AM when you know you should’ve gotten up when the alarm went off is sometimes too good of an opportunity to pass up. I know. But you have to make a choice.

Do you want to continue wasting your life away, making decision after decision that you know is wrong?

Or do you want to change 1 thing a day, becoming better with every changed decision?

Your choice.

The 1st thing you need to do is follow us on all social media platforms.

I’m just f*cking with you(Although it would help us grow, and you would see more content just like this more often).

The actual 1st thing you must do is practice the 3 pillars of confidence that lead to you becoming a Greek God within your own mind and, pretty soon, the minds of everyone else as well. You have every ability to do these 3 simple things every day until it becomes natural and you don’t have to even think about it anymore.

Learn. Learn from this post, from all of our posts, and most importantly, from yourself. Take each change you experience from practicing everything we are preaching at face value and don’t celebrate too early. Certainly, celebrate each win. But with each successive win, become less and less satisfied with yourself until all you want is to become different, unique, and better every single day.

This is the only way to obtain Greek God confidence. Love each and every one of you. Come and win with us.