Gut Health: How to make your body work optimally

“Your body naturally adapts to everything you throw at it, because that is how we came from cavemen to standing up tall with all of the resources we have today”

8 minute read

Everyone has had that day or week or perhaps it is a constant reciprocation in your life, where you keep on eating and either don’t, can’t or do not want to stop, and this has caused tension in your own life, or maybe it has affected someone you know. Maybe you just want to be able to control what you eat, when you eat, or how much you eat. Or maybe you have been affected severely and this problem has manifested in your life, shown by physical symptoms such as headaches, bloating, an increase in weight due to fat gain, feeling tired all the time regardless of the amount of sleep you got the previous night, or mental symptoms such as depression, anxiety, or even, in an extreme case, thoughts of suicide.

If any of the above symptoms sound like something you are suffering from, and you have exhausted every seemingly possible method of therapy, improvement, drug, rehabilitation, or treatment, there is a path to the best health that you have never experienced in your life that you probably have never thought of before.


Why I cannot stand the term “diet”

Some people call it dieting, but I despise this term because it assumes that people can put a treatment plan into action for 6-8 weeks and then they are fixed forever because they followed a diet plan and were astounded by the results that they were like, “I don’t need to do anything else!”

Then what happens?

They go right back to what they were eating before because they think that they have fixed the problem, but the core issue was the way that they were eating before.

Nutrition is a lifelong process, constantly increasing how you treat your body through the food that you consume.

It’s very simple: fix your eating habits, clean it up a bit, fix your gut, stop about 85% of all degenerative diseases from manifesting in the first place, become happier, and start living life like you were meant to.

So, you ask, how do I start the process of cleaning out my nutrition and start eating healthier?

Most people, doctors, practitioners, and other health care professionals would prescribe certain foods that you shouldn’t eat and foods you should eat, but this isn’t enough.

See, you have to think about the entire body as one organism and start to observe what happens to your body when you eat a certain food.

What emotions do you feel when you eat certain foods, how your stomach and digestive system feel, how happy do you feel, how tired or energized are you an hour after you eat it?

Ask these questions for every single food you eat, and you can start to eliminate certain foods from your diet to create a palate that you can reap the benefits from and is also very healthy to give you more and more energy in order to live the life you’ve always wanted.

You might be asking, and this is understandable, that this seems like an extremely difficult and tedious process.

No one said it was going to be easy. The fact of the matter is that if you keep hoping for a solution handed to you on a silver platter, this is the mentality that got you to this mindset in the first place. If you are stuck in this mindset, wondering what’s wrong, read my post about empowering beliefs to start loving yourself and life again: Empowering Beliefs. Come back to this post when you’ve got your head in the right place and ready to make a change.

If you’re already in a growth mindset, which is a cliche term meaning you are able to apply change to yourself in a meaningful way and that you actually want to change to get out of stagnant places within your life, then good for you and keep working until you get what you want out of life.

Why we can consume so much food on a daily basis without satiating ourselves

Back to gut health. If you do not go to the bathroom, that is, defecating, at least once a day, then your body is not releasing enough toxins on a daily basis to keep up with the amount of food that you are putting in there every single day.

The problem we run into, which is why we are seeing unprecedented numbers of overweight, obese people in the world, but especially in America, is the food we eat is made without many key nutrients so that it is more palatable, and you keep consuming it without actually filling yourself up in the process.

Eating should not be something we do 4, 5 or 6 times a day. If you are doing that and eating a significant amount of food at each meal, take a look at what types of food you’re eating.

Tangent over, your body is a machine. In order to work properly, you need to nourish it properly. This means cutting out most of the processed foods. A processed food, for anyone who doesn’t know, are most foods that come in plastic packaging that have an endless amount of ingredients, most of which you cannot pronounce. If you don’t do anything else besides cutting out these foods, you will fix so many issues, but if you want to stop a lot more issues than that, read on.

To figure out what foods your body disagrees with, that is, what ingredients that companies put into foods to make you eat even more of that food, making it addictive and terrible for your body, you need to take out all of the following foods from your meals for 30 days:

  • Gluten
  • Dairy
  • Legumes
  • Eggs(Yes, eggs, because they are a problem for a certain percentage of the population)
  • Soy
  • Grains
  • Sugar(This does not include sugars naturally occurring in fruits or vegetables)
  • All Processed Foods(This should be something you never reintroduce into your nutrition)

Now, once you’ve done that, reintroduce each one of these foods for a week to see how your body reacts to it. If you continue to get healthier and don’t see any health issues such as acne, bloating, headaches or anything listed in the first paragraph, then your body can effectively process that food, and you can eat it as part of an entirely balanced nutrition plan. If you do get one or more of these symptoms, I would suggest either completely eliminating this food, or only having it for special occasions. Do this for each of the above foods.

Once you’ve done this part, you should have completely cleared out your gut health and made yourself a renewed individual.

Now, this has a few caveats.

Your body naturally adapts to everything you throw at it, because that is how we came from cavemen to standing up tall with all of the resources we have today. This means that your body will adapt and you will hit plateaus in the future if you stick with eating the same food every single day for months on end, essentially creating the same circumstances that your body had with unhealthy food. Now, you won’t have any major health problems if this occurs, because your body will be getting healthier, but if you want to avoid plateaus in the gym, or plateaus in your physique, then using the following strategy is highly beneficial.

Every few weeks, you should have a semi-massive cheat meal(something pretty unhealthy) to let your body know that when you do put good food into it, that it will be used as it should. This is also helpful for the mental aspect, because it can become stressful and annoying to people not used to eating fruits, vegetables, and grass fed meats all the time. You can use this template to keep yourself going, physically and mentally.

Like I said in the beginning, you are in the place you are in for a reason.

Don’t pout.

Don’t whine.

These are all part of the mindset keeping you where you are.

You don’t have to become the Superman of nutrition, but you do have to toughen up enough to say no to the Twinkies, Oreos, or Diet Coke for once in your life.

If you don’t follow this post in its entirety, you still need to do something. Cut out one sugary snack from your nutrition, and watch the results. After that, you will want to fully follow this guide because you will realize you have been missing out on the best part of life, which is the life part of it!

Get your shit together! This is the only way to figure out once and for all what foods aggravate your body and how to make your nutrition help you for once instead of being that one thing continuously bringing you down over your entire life. Be proud of your nutrition, body, physique, and life!

Love you guys. I hope you are taking these posts in their entirety and not wasting them. They have helped me come back from someone who could not stop being pissed off at himself because he couldn’t get his life together to someone who loves everything. It all starts with mindset. Nutrition is not far from the middle. Make sure you love yourself and the love for feeding yourself quality food will follow.

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