Fats: The most powerful truth your life needs

If you’ve been purposely not eating fats, you need to start eating them right now

I hear at least 1 commercial a week about this diet, that diet, the new ‘fad’, the new ‘bro-science’ diet, and they all have one thing in common.

They are all useless.

All of them pry at your weakness, which is that they make you believe that fat is a negative, that being fat is something that needs to be eradicated from society, that having a perfectly sculpted body and physique is what is required for happiness.

Would you like to know what is important?

It’s a fancy thing called health.

The reason why so many people have failed at these diets, fads, and opportunities they see advertised on TV is because people fail to realize that the main goal of these diets is to make you believe that you are removing an ingredient which causes all of your problems, and fat has become the scapegoat of the fitness industry over the years because it is such an easy target.

If you’ll allow me, I would like to change your mind about this relatively large part of the fitness/nutrition industry and as a side effect, you will become massively healthier in process.

Let’s take this one step at a time.

Step One: Since the dawn of time, humans have been consuming fat. They probably didn’t know they were consuming fat, but if they were eating meat, then fat is an integral part of what makes up the healthiest parts of cows, bison, turkeys, chickens, pigs, horses, fish, foxes, deer, goats, sheep, and any other animal you can think of that people have eaten since the beginning of time.

Then came the farming revolution and the million dollar companies which are now easily billion dollar companies who worked together to produce as much music as possible in as little time as possible. There is an entire possible segment on GMOs and why they are quite possibly the worst thing to ever happen to food. But that is a completely different article.

Step Two: Let’s focus on fats now. As the companies started to merge with farmers and make their presence known strictly progressing and growing merely by offering more money and giving the farmers an ultimatum: Make our product or we will shut you down. This started to happen more and more often during the 1990s and has only increased in quantity since then.

Step Three: This caused the fitness and nutrition industries to go completely against what the average farmers were producing because it simply wasn’t healthy. They needed a scapegoat for this, something that was so easy to blame it was preposterous that it had not been put forward before.


It was such an easy problem to blame, when it actually wasn’t the problem at all.

Would you like to know what is?

Your ego. Your mindset. How gullible you are. Your reluctance to change.

Step Four: I am here to fix all of that. As it pertains to fats and fatty foods, there is a very simple rule to follow. If the product is all natural(organic, cage-free, grown by people you know or brands you trust) then the fat in those products is actually really healthy for you.

Here’s an example:


They are made of about 60-80% fat based on what version you buy, but they are usually all natural and they come directly from the earth. All of the fat in an avocado is amazing for you. You should eat more of them.

This is the case with all foods that come directly from the earth, have on ingredient, are not processed, and are made and collected by people that either care about themselves and their families, or care about you and the rest of the people they are feeding enough to make and create a product that is incredible for your health.

This is what you need to be eating. This is what healthy foods look like. This is the result of healthy growing and healthy consuming. People that do these things realize that the gimmicks that they see on TV, ads on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or wherever you received the information that one person has the key to reveal the one diet that is “perfect” for you are complete and utter bullsh*t.

So here’s what I want you to do: Buy one thing this week that has a good amount of fat in it, such as a bag of avocados, a nice steak, some chicken, some turkey, but make sure that it does not have any other ingredients besides what the product itself is.

Then do not buy one thing this week that you usually buy. Something that contains an incredibly high amount of fat, carbs, and sugar, which has a ton of ingredients below the nutrition facts. Don’t buy that item and you will thank yourself in 7 days time.

If you want a full breakdown of the right kind of foods to eat, specific recipes that cater to your lifestyle, which changes based on your lifestyle, be on the lookout for my nutrition guide. I have not finalized on the name yet, but it is in production.

What are Fats?

Fats are healthy. This is what I want you to take from this article. You have been lied to repeatedly over the years and decades because the nutrition and fitness industries needed something to blame, something that was victimized as the problem for so many people.

But I hoped you learned that fats themselves are perfectly healthy and necessary to your nutrition. It is the overbearing of processed foods that have terrorized the fat’s reputation as negative. They are good for you. They are necessary for you. If you’ve been purposely not eating fats, you need to start eating them right now because whatever health problem you have will only get worse with the absence of an essential nutrient.

As always, follow us on social media and you will get more content just like the information you just read and hopefully took in from this article.

Nutrition isn’t hard, but everyone wants you to believe that so that they can keep scamming people in bad situations and feel like they need a drastic change. I would like to be different. My products show you exactly what is healthy, what isn’t, why you feel the way you do, and why you should be eating a specific way based on your body type. Ask yourself, are you going to receive that kind of treatment that is solely for the consumer anywhere else? If your answer is no, then I would love to help you become healthier one lesson at a time, as that is what we try to accomplish here at our business. Do you want to get heathier?

Come win with us.