Fasting: Making consistency in your life easy

8 minute read

You don’t have to eliminate every pleasure in your life as some health “gurus” may have made you think in the past.


“Maintaining consistency” kind of sounds like a double entendre and quite boring, but it serves its purpose quite well and is quite necessary. As you will and/or have seen in your past relating to your relationship with food, consistency is easy(if you’re gonna eat like crap). If you want to be a better person, it’s not so easy. It’s actually harder than going to the gym for me.

Nutrition can be almost impossible to keep up with, and eating healthy is not something that comes natural to most people in the modern landscape of how food is manufactured and fuses with our system compared to centuries ago.

What do I mean by this?

If you only eat food from natural sources(fruits & vegetables from local sources, grass-fed meats or vegan-friendly options if that’s you, fats from local sources(yes fats are important and also necessary) and any other natural game or food from Mother Earth without being processed, changed, or tainted by humans that results in a change of the actual chemical makeup of the food and how it interacts with your body) then you are good, this post is not for you.

The chances, or rather, the reality of the situation is that 99.9% of people, including myself, do not do that. If you eat any processed food, manmade products, artificial sugar not from fruits, GMOs, non-organic foods with pesticides, or basically anything that’s in a package advertising something of the nature “Low Sugar, Free of Nitrates, Whole Grains”, then you fall into this category.

That’s not your fault. We have been conditioned to believe that health is something that can be given to us by these huge multi-billion dollar companies. That’s such bullsh*t. Who is to say what your body can take?!?! They don’t know anything besides how to keep inputting more food into your body without satiating you(that is, making you feel full). Don’t you ever wonder why you can eat 5 burgers from any fast food restaurants, but barely half a sirloin steak from the classiest restaurant in your town?

See, the food that the wealthy corporations serve to you on a supposed ‘silver platter’ is utter bullsh*t. Every single processed food and food are given to you from fast food restaurants and any other food that you buy and eat that you can eat 4 times over is not entirely food. Let me explain.

You see, these companies pump these foods full of ingredients that make the food you are eating extremely delicious, but it does not fill you up. Why is that???? It’s because the companies take out certain nutrients, nutrients from this planet that you need to survive, just to make you eat more of it, which in turn, makes you fatter, buy more of it, which means you will be wasting money on this food that is literally destroying your body. Sound like something you’d want to avoid? Thought so. Read on.

Nobody is especially privy to this information because the wealthy companies at the top don’t want their secrets revealed, and the only way I have learned is by putting in hours of research to help myself and my family increase our health — which is something we still work on every day. But the end goal of health is not as far as you think. You don’t have to eliminate every pleasure in your life as some health “gurus” may have made you think in the past.

The Fix

Fasting for 72 hours once a month. Not impossible. You’ve probably heard dozens of people say extremely positive or negative things about fasting, but it truly works. It isn’t easy. It’s very difficult, in fact. I suggest doing a 48 hour fast your first time around because the attraction that we unknowingly have toward food is unbelievably high. So high. It’s insane. But not eating or drinking anything besides water for 3 days puts your mind in a much different place.

You put value on the food that you eat and you start to eat foods that actually satiate you and actually treat your body properly. You will lose a tremendous amount of fat and gain a substantial amount of muscle if you do two simple things.

1. Eliminate one negative food source from your life per week. Can be anything from Oreos to a nightly dinner at McDonald’s. Whatever your niche usually is, cut it out one per week. Add in one fruit/vegetable and one grass-fed meat per week for every negative food source that you eliminate.

2. Start going to the gym or work out or sweat in some capacity for 3 hours a week. And for the love of god, stretch, do yoga, do mobility work, and if you really want to improve, 10 minutes of meditation every day after you wake up every day.

How to maintain consistency

The fasting may not seem like a substantial part of this, but it allowed me to take a step back from food and I was actually hungry for the first time in years. Believe me, you don’t eat for 24 hours and you will re-understand what hunger truly is. These companies have been triggering and weakening your digestion system and brain to believe it was hungry when it really wasn’t receiving enough nutrients to properly function with the food you were giving it.

That’s all going to change your perspective on how you view food. You may even want to help me by buying the correct, healthy foods for your body, and by doing this, the big companies will realize that the food that they are giving to the people is actually the worst thing on the planet and they will change how they make food for us, this planet’s inhabitants. It’s not going to be a quick change, but you can help by eating better and serving yourself and your family the right way.

We can do this, but it has to be together. Nobody wants to hear this, but you will feel so much better after you do it. Eat Healthy. For the love of all that is holy in your world. Stop treating your body like it is a gutter in the middle of New York City being splat on my disgusting half-eaten hot-dogs, gum that flakes off shoes, and the poop from city birds. That is the current state of your body, and it’s why you feel so bad all the time. FIX IT. Simple.

Be the winner, not the loser and F*ck being average. Love you guys. Treat yourself like the Queens and Kings that you are.

Let me know what you thought, leave us a comment here, or DM me on any of our social platforms. Do you, but love yourself and help make the world a better, healthier place.

Come win with me.