How to make your promises a powerful must

“It is the fighting spirit that has led you to the place you stand at today”

5 minute read


It’s the simplest thing. Following through. But it tends to be the most difficult for most people. Nobody understands when they make a promise or agree to a contract of some sort, whether physical, emotional, or mental, that you are not done when you put your name on the dotted line, or say that you will do whatever it is you agreed to do.


Most people cannot do the latter. They don’t have the physical, emotional, or mental capacity to see that doing what they originally said they were going to do would be extremely beneficial for both sides. For one, you feel an immense influx of gratitude toward yourself for following through, completing that specific task, and your brain rewards your system with dopamine, the chemical most associated with joy and happiness. The person or entity you are completing the task also feels great, because, naturally, they got what they asked for and if it was done well, whatever it is, they will also receive an influx of dopamine.

These are just the initial benefits, however.


Once you complete that first task, assignment, or emotional barrier, and you do it well, well enough to more than satisfy the person you came to an agreement to, then they will pay you for your services ten times over in the future.

Payment does not have to mean money. It can mean time spent with a loved one, or experience in a certain area which you are keen to learn, or whatever deal you have brokered with your “business” partner.

The point is, once you show that you are capable of fulfilling the promises that come out of your mouth regularly, which is more than about 80% of people can say, then you become extremely valuable to this person. You become special. This translates into gargantuan amounts of time being spent with this person, both of you enjoying the ‘payment’ you are receiving from one another.


Your reputation may not be something you care deeply about. But let me ask you a question.

Have you ever wondered why you have not been chosen for a task, why you weren’t chosen to be on the football team when you were in grade school? Why you weren’t chosen do be the first actor or actress chosen for the school play? Or maybe you were pushed aside for a “more suitable” candidate for the job?

These are all reflections of your abilities, which people perceive after seeing you in action. Your actions lead you to developing skills, that is, if you truly care about something, and those skills lead you to repeat tasks over and over and over again until you develop a talent. That is why you were not chosen for things in the past. It is why you are still shunned, in a way, by society, because you have not developed your talent enough.

Talent leads to character in a peculiar way. Once you build your talent up to a level that you will get paid for it, in whatever currency you prefer, there is something inside of you that gets built up alongside it. It is the fighting spirit that has led you to the place you stand at today. It is the reason so many others have failed, and you succeeded. It is the very essence of your soul. It is your character. It is what you believe you are capable of. Character shows when you do things you love, and have no desire to blackmail, cheat, scam, injure, hurt, or scar anyone in the process. You are truly yourself when you have built up the talent of the thing you love the most to a level otherwise unprecedented.

This is truly rare. This is the top of the pyramid. This is where champions lay down their previous stressors, hatred, and judgment of others and become who they were meant to be. Very few people have achieved this. I’m talking about legends.

Alexander the Great


Nikola Tesla

Albert Einstein

Michael Jordan

These names are usually associated with history’s greats, for their accomplishments, but today I want you to examine their character, and, by doing so, your own.

Character is not an easy thing to build. Character takes time, experience, mountains of joy, valleys of hostility, and an entire life to adjust and click the right pieces in until you are gratuitous at the product you’ve created.

But you don’t have to wait your entire life. You can start today. By doing what I said in the beginning.

By doing what you say you’re going to do. One Day or Day One. Your choice.

Do you wish to become legendary?

I do, which is why I co-created this business. It is why I post positive content. It is why I try to inspire with a powerful message. It is why failure is not weighed easily in myself. I continually strive for greatness. I hope you will follow in my lead. Follow through. It’s that easy.