Action: The superior and the best cure for procrastination

“Drive that procrastination out of your life”

6 minute read

Ever wondered how to snap out of that funk? Create that life filled with immense joy and fulfilling moments? Fix your mindset and change into the person you know you can become? Finally fix your diet and your horrid exercise routine(or lack thereof)?

You’ve come to the right place. This is the no bullsh*t, practical site to learn everything to fix your mindset, body, energy, business savvy, and confidence issues.

This particular post is focused on action, which is so heavily involved in each of those 5 categories than you could possibly imagine.

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Fasting: Making consistency in your life easy

8 minute read

You don’t have to eliminate every pleasure in your life as some health “gurus” may have made you think in the past.


“Maintaining consistency” kind of sounds like a double entendre and quite boring, but it serves its purpose quite well and is quite necessary. As you will and/or have seen in your past relating to your relationship with food, consistency is easy(if you’re gonna eat like crap). If you want to be a better person, it’s not so easy. It’s actually harder than going to the gym for me.

Continue reading “Fasting: Making consistency in your life easy”

Living in the Moment: The importance of being present

“Do you honestly believe you will ever be happy if you don’t move your gaze outside of the screen of your TV or your phone or your computer?”

Do you want to succeed?

It’s a genuine question. I sometimes wonder why so many people fail to achieve their dreams however large or small. And I think I’ve figured out the root cause of all of these shortcomings.

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Sleep: How to make great sleep normal

“your entire system gets rebooted once you start giving it the proper rest it needs.”

5 minute read

Ask yourself honestly: Are you getting enough sleep? Do you get groggy at 2 pm for no reason? Do you experience unreal stressors or anxiety attacks for no explainable reason? Are you experiencing fat gains or muscle loss for no reason? Or maybe you just aren’t putting on the amount you think you should? If so, you’ll want to read this post.

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Chaos: Why it is so important to your success.


7 minute read

Chaos will surround us in perpetuity. The challenge is to overcome it and become something greater. Something that you thought was only a dream or a previous fascination of your childhood. To allow that thought to come to fruition is the most beautiful process.

As Donna Karan, a multimillionaire fashion designer, says:

“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos”

Continue reading “Chaos: Why it is so important to your success.”

Gut Health: How to make your body work optimally

“Your body naturally adapts to everything you throw at it, because that is how we came from cavemen to standing up tall with all of the resources we have today”

8 minute read

Everyone has had that day or week or perhaps it is a constant reciprocation in your life, where you keep on eating and either don’t, can’t or do not want to stop, and this has caused tension in your own life, or maybe it has affected someone you know. Maybe you just want to be able to control what you eat, when you eat, or how much you eat. Or maybe you have been affected severely and this problem has manifested in your life, shown by physical symptoms such as headaches, bloating, an increase in weight due to fat gain, feeling tired all the time regardless of the amount of sleep you got the previous night, or mental symptoms such as depression, anxiety, or even, in an extreme case, thoughts of suicide.

Continue reading “Gut Health: How to make your body work optimally”

Mantras: The most powerful way to change your mindset

“There is more wisdom in your body than your deepest philosophy” – Friedrich Nietzsche

The above quote represents the idea of mantras and the connection between your brain and body at a deeper level than any other quote I’ve come across.

I want to you try an exercise. Find something in your own head and life that you are incredibly fearful of. Could be a specific situation, person, thing, rodent, anything really. Now, repeat this inside your own head at least 150 times for the next three days. “I am not afraid of _________. This looks cliche and childish and pointless, but you would be very surprised at the results.

Continue reading “Mantras: The most powerful way to change your mindset”

HIIT: Why it’s superior to traditional cardio.

“push harder and harder and get outside of your comfort zone regularly and watch the results flood in”


Have you ever wanted a clear cut way to lose weight and didn’t want all of the crap that is constantly served to you on a silver platter about what one workout/food/change will do for you? If so, you came to the right page for the completely free, honest truth about how everybody’s bodies work and why hours of cardio does nothing except waste your time.

Continue reading “HIIT: Why it’s superior to traditional cardio.”