Make breathing the most important skill you master

“This isn’t some woo-woo voodoo super meditation monk life experience”

This is the first of many posts that detail how to dramatically increase how you live your life, one step at a time.

Everyone wants to focus on diet, weightlifting, or an entire myriad of things that are completely useless without breathing properly. Don’t get me wrong, all of these things: strength training, water, nutrition, sleep, focus, testosterone, or even cardio(certain types – an entire post on this later) can really help create that body or that extreme mental focus that you have never had but always envied.

Why is Breathing So Important?

Breathing is a large part into how you do all that and with that comes a plethora of amazing health benefits that I have experienced and have seen people in my inner circle benefit from. Some of these include: Increased focus, clarity, better sleep, more energy, increased motivation, decreased stress, a heightening of your senses, becoming more in tune with the world around you, and living in the present more vs. living in the past or future all the time. If any of these sound like something you want or something that you could improve on, please read on.

The first time I saw breathing increase my capacity to live my life in so many gargantuan ways was a few months ago. I was very lazy, only getting out of bed after 9 or 10 am, feeling drowsy, wanting more energy, downing way too much caffeine, all in an effort to increase my energy to do what I wanted with my life.

So, I started putting in research on how to increase energy, and something stunning came across my computer screen. Diaphragmatic breathing. I tried this, and most of it was just breathing in and out with incredible speed and size of each breath. I didn’t think much of it, because I tried it right before I went to bed, but the next day I actually wanted to get out of bed for the first time in a while, and this led to an incredible fascination with breathing and how it affects the body and mind.

Believe me, this isn’t some woo-woo voodoo super meditation monk life experience, but this will change your entire perception on how your body and mind interact. This is life-changing, so no more introduction bullshit. Let’s get into the steps you need to take to dramatically improve your mind, body, relationships, stress, and experience as a whole on this planet. You only got one life, use it like you were meant to.

How to change your mindset revolving around your health

Step One: Forget all the crap that has been poured into your heads through all the fitness gurus that there is one magic pill that fixes everything. It just isn’t true. It is completely stupid.

Step Two: That same principle applies to breathing. Doing this right will help, but it won’t fix everything in your life. You need to complement this with a conglomerate of health practices that will all be explained in further detail in future posts.

Step Three: Don’t just read these posts, practice them and do them on a daily basis, turn that into a weekly routine, turn those routines into habits that you do without even thinking about them anymore. This is how you turn your life into one that you look back in 50 years and are extremely grateful and love the life you live.

Step Four: Let’s get into the beef of this post, breathing:

Diaphragmatic breathing is the proper way to increase your lung capacity, which is the gateway to improve everything you want to improve. A great exercise to perform to test how this affects your body and mind is to breathe as you normally would while you are just sitting down and take note of your body and how much energy you have, and you probably don’t feel any different due to the fact that this breathing is normal for you.

The technique

Then take a second and then try this breathing technique: Sit up straight with your chest out and head up and breathe in through your nose, but this time, instead of breathing into your chest, breathe into your stomach for the first 3/4th’s of the breath and then the last 1/4th of the breath, breathe the air into your chest. Hold this for a split second and then breathe out swiftly and contract your midsection. Do this 20 to 30 times quickly before a workout, after you wake up, or before an important meeting, and you will notice the immediate energy increase right after and for about 5 minutes after this.

The amazing thing about this technique is that it isn’t some gimmick that you only use right before you workout or want energy, but this technique should eventually become your normal way of breathing because chest breathing, which is how we breathe when we are under a lot of stress, or how to breathe when we aren’t consciously thinking about it, and this type of breathing can lead to a lot of problems, not just with stress and a poor lifestyle, but also bad posture, and can also contribute to tight traps and forward head posture, none of which help you to accomplish any of your goals.

The more you use this technique, the more used to it you will become, which will, in turn, make you a more relaxed person with a confident, positive outlook on life, all because you changed how you breathed on a daily, hourly, by breath basis.

I highly advise you to not just use this technique when you are the most stressed, but to start implementing it whenever you can remember to implement it because it will lead to less stress and an overall better experience in this life, which is the goal with this breathing technique and all of the other major changes and tips that will come from your further time spent reading and sharing our posts here at

Let’s make miracles happen one person at a time. It all starts with you, reading this post.

Spread the word, follow us on social media for updates on when posts will drop on our website, and most importantly, use the techniques, practices, and philosophies here in these posts to start and dramatically improve your quality of life.