Action: The superior and the best cure for procrastination

“Drive that procrastination out of your life”

6 minute read

Ever wondered how to snap out of that funk? Create that life filled with immense joy and fulfilling moments? Fix your mindset and change into the person you know you can become? Finally fix your diet and your horrid exercise routine(or lack thereof)?

You’ve come to the right place. This is the no bullsh*t, practical site to learn everything to fix your mindset, body, energy, business savvy, and confidence issues.

This particular post is focused on action, which is so heavily involved in each of those 5 categories than you could possibly imagine.


Action is so heavily invested into mindset, or should I say mindset is so heavily invested into action? They cooperate extremely well or terribly poor together. It’s your choice. Let me give you an example:

1. You go to the store and you are going in with the mindset of buying healthy foods, and then you see the Oreos and sh*t hits the fan faster then you can say ‘Blackberries’.
2. You go to the store with a healthy mindset and see the Oreos and instead of reverting back to negative patterns, you walk straight past them and pick up the blackberries for a snack or perhaps some almonds.

The first example is one where mindset and action clash. The second is where the work together. Simple, yet incredibly difficult to accomplish.

Everybody wants to make action, mindset, and everything to do with becoming a more productive person about the complexity of things. It’s so goddamn simple. Do what you say you are going to do.


The oldest example in the book: Going to the gym. Do your actions align with your intentions? If they do, you will have no issue getting your ass out of bed and heading to the gym and getting a good, sweaty workout in first thing in the morning to start your day off right. Most people don’t want to hear about it. You have the power to be different than all of those people.

The amazing thing about your actions when comparing them to how often you take care of your body is that the numbers are so low it’s almost impossible to believe. The relationship between how often people sign up for gym memberships and then quit are absolutely astounding.


Do you know what would happen if you stuck to your goals, what you said what you were going to do? Your energy would skyrocket. Don’t believe me? Set 5 goals for a week straight, every day and then actually do them. They don’t have to be hard, simple things. Then at the end of the day, check them off. At the end of the week, on that 8th morning, I want you to contact me on any social media platform and tell me how much more energy you woke up with on that 8th day compared to the first day. It will be immeasurably higher.

Business Savvy

It certainly may be harder to stick to what you say you’re going to do right now what with COVID-19 going on. Regardless, even on those Zoom meetings, present ideas that you want to present, set goals for your business and company, and if you are an employee and don’t believe you can make a difference, make a handwritten letter and go and give it to your boss. If you can’t physically reach your boss, then call or FaceTime them and tell them your idea then. You will know you made a difference. This is so fucking powerful. You will want to do more things to change the company and your life. This is just the start.


Ever wanted to ask that girl/guy out? Ever wanted to strike up a conversation with any random stranger on the street? Feel like a Greek God in any room you walk into? That is the definition of confidence. You will act like that Greek God 10,000 times faster if you do what you say you’re going to do.

These 5 categories all have different applications, as you can see. But they are interconnected in a way that is unrecognized by most “smart” people today. You want to know the way to do everything I mentioned in the 5 categories above to your fullest potential? Act. Take action. Love how much action you’re taking. Feel the energy that you’ve invested into your life, into changing yourself into a better person. As Tom Bilyeu says, “I don’t care if you’re running a thousand miles an hour in the wrong direction, at least you’re running”. Keep running and keep going until you can’t feel your mediocrity and procrastination anymore.

There is something so fulfilling about the promise of doing what you said and earlier promised to yourself, doing that thing, understanding that you won the battle between you and your brain. You won! You are the king/queen of your own destiny. You will succeed.

But only if you take action.

Drive that procrastination out of your life.

Love you guys. You are the entirety of this brand, of this company. You guys will make this idea and these changes a reality. Make yourself better, make everyone surrounding you better. Do one thing, build upon that thing, and then do another, and another, and another, and another, and another, until you don’t realize how much work you are putting and what you were previously terrified of is actually quite easy and not terrifying.

Come with win me.