Meditation: How to shape your life using this powerful tool

“honing in on what you are doing in the present moment, which is the entire purpose of meditation”

Meditation has been used for centuries, and it has started to pick up steam in the past 10-20 years, with people finally realizing that it has actual benefits other than looking like a monk in complete stillness.

The media has tried to shoot down meditation by making it appear as though the simple act of sitting and breathing is somehow pointless, reserved only for monks and people who devote their lives to their spirituality. These people are the same people who tell you that every single global phenomenon is a hoax, that the earth is flat, and that we are the only planet in the galaxy. These people and organizations have been given credibility by other, wealthy people, allowed to shun different practices such as meditation because they are not appealing to the eye or they would otherwise feel embarrassed if they chose to believe in meditation, yoga, or good, healthy things for your body.

And the crazy part is, up until when social media became widespread, most people were still believing that practices such as mediation and yoga were completely reserved for people outside of normal, everyday life.

This could not be further from the truth.

Just this morning, about an hour before I started writing this post, I meditated.

I am not a monk, nor do I want to ever become one, but I realized the benefits of practicing simple breathing in and out while either focusing completely on your breath or reciting positive mantras in your head, something that I am afraid not enough people do. I actually have an entire post dedicated to mantras, which you can read here: Mantras.

The 2 ways to meditate

#1: Meditating just by breathing.

Intensely breathing in and out, focusing completely on the air coming in and out of your nose and mouth.

This is the more powerful way to meditate because you get out of your own head purely by breathing and honing in on what you are doing in the present moment, which is the entire purpose of meditation.

If you want a carefree guide to meditating this way, and you are not good at alleviating your head of all of your thoughts(nobody is good at this in the beginning), take a look at some apps such as Headspace and Calm. My personal favorite is the Wim Hof Method app.

This is very intense, purposeful breathing, which elevates your mental capacity, and prepares you for cold showers so that you can start your day powerfully.

#2: Meditation while using your thoughts and breathing together.

This is what I was referring to when I mentioned mantras earlier. If you still don’t know what they are, I urge you to go back and read that post that I have linked in the previous section.

When you breathe this way, while thinking positive, empowering thoughts about yourself, you acquire the knowledge that you are actually creating yourself instead of just allowing life to happen to you. This realization takes a while to register in our own brain, but if you can read this article, use these tools and push yourself to get better, you will do whatever it is you want to accomplish that day, whether you think it will be hard, difficult, or embarrassing.

You will be able to do it, which is the most powerful mindset in the universe.

This mindset only comes from constant reinforcement that you are able to grow, to change, to get better from your previous self. And it all starts from Meditation. Breathing in, breathing out.

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Let’s change together, and change everyone along the way with us for the better, not for worse, for once in your life. Who’s ready to start breathing with a purpose?

Come win with us.