The superior truth of working out before the sunrise

“You will notice that whatever plateau you were at before, has suddenly disappeared”

Just worked out this morning. Nothing serious, just a few hill sprints, regular sprints, squats, lunges, the normal HIIT training workout. But there was something I noticed.

Whenever you train your body before the sun rises, there is an immediate surge of dopamine that hits your system when you start your session and again once you end it. It is more powerful than sweating and training hard at any other time of day. I think this is because you are doing something that is so far outside of your comfort zone, without food in your stomach, and the fact that, unless you have a workout partner, you are completely alone with nature.

This sensation allows your body to be at its most natural state, whether that means you put more or less effort into the training session is up to you.

Why workout in the morning?

I tend to workout harder when I am by myself, training with music, but this morning I had a workout partner, and music was out of the question if I wanted to have a productive workout.

But there was something seriously weird about having a workout partner, training and sweating without music, and doing all of this before the sun rose.

It was one of the most powerful sensations I have ever felt.

My challenge to you, if you want to take your workouts, mornings, or level of fitness to the next level is to not bring music the next time you workout, and see when you naturally want to stop. Then push harder.

The next step is taking the first challenge and doing it before the sun rises, without food, and without music, once again. You will find you try and lean on your excuses to fail, quit, give up, and concede a lot earlier than you normally do in your workout sessions.

I want you to push through this barrier and at least do as much as you normally would do in a normal, structured workout for yourself.

Then, take the realization that you did all of what you normally do and go back and workout at your favorite time, with music, with whomever you choose. You will notice that whatever plateau you were at before, has suddenly disappeared. Your desire to push through your previous limitations will have grown past your wildest expectations.

Other Benefits of Working Out Early

The largest benefit by far is the amount of time you will save during your day.

Just think the last time, if you work out consistently throughout the week, that you had an extra 2 hours to crush it in the middle of the day.

Use this time to work on your business, side hustle, work, homework, mental state, preparing dinner, talking with your significant other. It could literally be anything that you are increasing your productivity on.

Another significant benefit of working out early in the day is you can use the extra time to completely relax if you’ve been feeling stressed out, overworked, or just plain tired.

Everyone feels this way at one time or another. If you put your laziness to the back of your head at 5 in the morning, push yourself to put in a solid training session before the sun rises, and you will relish the sweet feeling of the extra time and energy that you naturally accrue once you consistently start working out just twice a week at this time.

Eventually you should raise this number to 3, but for complete beginners to waking up an hour or even 2 before you normally would, 2 is the highest that I can recommend unless you want to give yourself massive headaches that do not go away.

As with anything, slowly build up to becoming the best, because nothing worthwhile will happen quickly for you in this world. Never has for anyone ever, never will.

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