Why waking up with the sunrise makes you powerful

“That is true power, controlling what you can control”

I did not want to get out of bed this morning. It was actually luck that I did, because I had a lot of things I needed to accomplish before going to work.

I had forgot to fill up my huge cup of water I usually drink part of when I wake up and I don’t mean to, but today it was empty and my throat was extremely dry. So, even though all I wanted was to hop back into bed and fall back asleep, I struggled down to the faucet, fighting my own mind and mindset all the way, “should I get up?”, “should I go back to bed?”

I knew the right answer all along, the only question was if I was going to actually put some clothes on, get out of my own head, and start going to work.

Well, the answer is right in front of you. I am writing this post, and it is currently 6:06 AM and I feel great, not only because I got up and beat my mind when all it wanted to do was fall back asleep and retain some comfort before having to face the day. I also succeeded in slightly shifting my mindset from one that is afraid to take risks, be uncomfortable and worried about change to a mindset that welcomes all of those things and realizes that change is necessary for growth.

So, I am up, not only to become a better, stronger person, but also to reach you and try and help you with your struggles in your own life. This is why we created this company, to help you.

If you want to become something greater than you are currently, pay close attention to the next few paragraphs.

Benefits of Waking Up With The Sun

1: You realize that time is extremely valuable and you need to use it preciously.

This is one of the most important realizations in life and it has helped me go from lazy, on the couch, eating Doritos and chocolate daily to someone who has rediscovered the love for working out, become immensely healthier, happier, and more appreciative of life.

2: There is a profound experience that occurs when you wake up with the sun.

There is something almost inexplicably amazing that happens about waking up with the sun, but I shall try and do my best to explain.

It is almost as if you, deep down, know you need to get better, and seeing the sun rise, and the light slowly flood into your room makes every hard thing you have put on your plate that day much, much easier to do. You feel the energy of the sun radiate off your skin and you feel energetic, even though being awake at 5-6 AM is hardly what most people would call energetic.

I want you to run a little experiment: Tonight, before you go to bed, set your alarm for 5 AM and do not leave any water in your room. That way, when you wake up, you will be forced to leave your room to go and hydrate. (As an added bonus, and something that is incredibly healthy, leaving your phone out of your room and investing in an old school alarm clock will save you wonders in terms of wasted time sleeping).

Don’t get me wrong, sleeping is crucial, amazing, and provides us with a plethora of benefits, but to think that while everyone else is sleeping on a normal summer day, you are up working on your dream is a feeling unlike any other known to man.

You become powerful beyond your wildest dreams when you realize that you can control when you want to be uncomfortable in order to achieve more in this life. That is true power, controlling what you can control, in a way that is incredibly beneficial for you and your goals.

I want you to set a goal for yourself.

Practical Experiment

3 days throughout the next 7 days, I will wake up 1 hour earlier than I usually would.

Say those words, write them down, remember them. They will save your goddamn life.

The productivity and work you will find yourself blankly starting at 5 AM, 6 AM, whatever it may be, is infectious. Infectious enough to make you realize that nothing else matters besides getting up, working on your dream, and getting ahead of not just the competition, but your previous self.

Put that work in, people!!

I hope you will realize in time, that however annoying it is to wake up before you want to, and believe me, it’s incredibly annoying, it is quite possibly the best thing in the world for you.

As always, you are amazing, no matter what anyone tells you. If you only take one thing from this article, I hope it is that your dreams matter, whatever they are. Cars, some form of artistic expression, sports, writing, digital programming, coding, becoming healthy, it can literally be anything in the entire world. It just has to matter to you.

Waking up earlier will reignite the fire inside of you that once pushed you relentlessly toward your goals, dreams, hopes and fiery beliefs. These are all great, but they are useless without the work necessary to fulfill them.

That’s it for me today, I will see you in about 2 days with a topic that I constantly struggle with and countless others do on a daily basis. Stay tuned to find out what it is.

I love each and every one of you and that is why I want you to come with win us!!!