Fear: The only powerful thing you’ll ever need

“This place is an infectious place for growth”

7 minute read

A lot of people try to avoid fear.

That can go well, but more often than not, you are running from your problems. You need to face your problems, as uncomfortable as that makes you. You need to do what you don’t want to do, because you will either get over it and not fear it anymore or you will love yourself for being the stronger person and overcoming your fear of the fear itself.

As Tom Bilyeu, billionaire entrepreneur, says, “Action cures all”. These three words create the strongest interest for me into the subject of fear. See, fear is just your brain being unaware of something and being fearful is your brain trying to protect you and to stay the same and not take the chance because there’s the smallest chance it could go incredibly wrong.


You are the sum total of the actions you take, not the ideas or thoughts you have. People don’t see, recognize, or acknowledge the ideas, thoughts, hopes, or dreams you have. People gravitate toward action. They want, crave, and endure hell to be near someone who takes action and does not run from fear.

You see, that’s the main point.

Fear is not something to run from. Quite the contrary, it’s something to run ten thousand miles per hour toward.

Feeling that energy and emotion you automatically extract from taking chances and going to the edge of your comfort zone propels you to take more and more chances until you finally succeed. There is nothing more spectacularly gratifying than doing things and following through with things you said you were going to do than pushing yourself to the limits of your conscious, of the small reality that you had previously created for yourself, and enlarging that reality beyond your wildest dreams.

For example, I told myself I was going to make 5 posts this week, Monday through Friday. I got through Monday-Thursday quite easily and I had passion pumping through my entire being the entire time. But today, there was barely a spark. I had to force myself to start typing because there is nothing that I love more than expressing myself, whether it’s speaking to people through a platform like this, or physically, or emotionally, or mentally, or spiritually if that’s even possible. So I followed through because you could not crush the pit in my stomach knowing I wasn’t doing everything humanly possible to help people, building our brand, crushing the day in every imaginable moment. That guarantees, that, when I finally go to sleep, I know that I grew that day and accomplished more than I thought I could.

That’s the only way I sleep easy and get my very valuable rest in.

Follow through, and you will overcome your fear.

Want to talk to your crush? Want to get that promotion? Want to quit and start your own business? Want to find what you’re passionate about? You have to get over the thinking that fear is something to fear. Fear is something to love.

It keeps us alive. It keeps us from doing stupid things and dying. That is its main purpose. So, as long as you can register that, you are not going to keel over and die while asking that girl/guy out, or your heart is literally going to fall out of your chest because you are in the middle of asking for that promotion, or your parents are going to cut you off from the family because you started your own business, veering from their traditional ideals, you fall into this amazing, fruitful place where growth is encouraged because you finally realize the world works in your favor.

The world wants you to win, and fear will help you get there. Go get that shit!! You deserve it. You aren’t going to die from doing whatever it is that your deepest, darkest fear is. Unless it has to do with poisonous snakes or other creatures. Do stay away from those types of things. People. I’m talking about any possible situation where danger is not imminently occurring, you are in charge. You will win. You know why? Because you are everything. Everyone is their own god. You command your own reality. Fear is nothing but the byproduct of a lack of belief in this simple motto.

Everything I write on this website, on these posts, to be displayed, judged, depicted, and picked apart on social media, is interconnected. There is a root cause. There is a deep, intense, profound connection between the words that I put on this screen. You wanna know what that is??

Growth. This place is an infectious place for growth, and I am so proud to say that we love to change, we grow, we chase after our fears, we tear apart conflicting beliefs within us, and become a new person who recognizes that these beliefs are there and that they don’t matter because we are going to reach our goals, with fear at our side, pushing us to be better, to reach for more than we can currently grasp.

I love you all, regardless of how you feel about yourself. Regardless of how you look. Regardless of your skin color. Regardless of your background. Regardless of your sexual orientation. Regardless of your disabilities. Regardless of your depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts. You are fucking perfect.

Beat the world as it tries to put you down. Or as we have learned today, that beating down that you are perceiving is actually a figment of your brain trying to keep you safe, keep you protected. I know you can break through. Go and live. Go.

It’s your time.

Come and win with me, with us, with everyone. Peace out.