Limiting Beliefs: How to create empowering beliefs to live your best life.

“whenever you have a negative thought, habit or belief, stop yourself immediately and think something positive”

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Most people will obtain an idea and act on that idea once or twice for a week or maybe even a month before dropping it because they found a new, more exciting prospect that they think will make their entire life perfect tomorrow. Believe me, I’ve done this tons of times, and it has caused me to stay in the same place for an inconceivably long time, but I have figured out how to break the cycle of suffering.

The problem with this type of thinking and action is the root problem, which is that you have no idea what works and you are actually hurting yourself by trying so many different products, services, or programs, all in a mediocre attempt to improve yourself.

That mediocrity has plagued you your entire life. You cannot let it keep you down anymore. This post will break you free from the stranglehold that your mind has entrapped your soul and body in, which has created a continual struggle where you never gain any progress and stay in perpetual suffering for eternity.

Do you really want to stay in that cycle?

Yeah, didn’t think so. That cycle is what keeps everyone’s hopes and dreams in the basement of their own heads, while a select few are out succeeding and living out their dreams, all of the following this basic template.

Read on if you want to change your thoughts, which will change your habits, which will change your beliefs, which will change your actions. Actions are the only thing that change whether you become someone you’re proud of or if you stay in your own head, drowning in mediocrity.


These are what your subconscious mind is telling you all day long. There is a way to control what your thoughts are, which is to develop mantras. I have an entire post on Mantras, linked here -> Mantras. Controlling what kind of thoughts you have is the best foundation you can have for your mental health and every other kind of health that makes you who you are.

Think of it like this: If you have dominantly controlled positive and amazing thoughts fueled by an audacious growth mindset, that’s the best damn concrete slab in the world that will never crack no matter how much ruin Mother Nature throws at it.

On the other hand, if you have pessimistic thoughts, where you allow your mind to control you, your concrete slab will be from a junkyard, filled with cracks and old cement that will break if the slightest wind or rain hits the right part of the foundation, just like your mind is currently if you are reading this post hoping to retrieve some semblance of help because you don’t know where to turn.

Once you read the Mantras post and get your thoughts straight, practice this next part.


These are merely the actions that our subconscious does on repeat without us needing to actively think about it. Some of these are helpful, such as looking both ways before crossing the road or breathing, for example. Others are not as helpful, such as reaching for that sugary snack, or scrolling through your social media for hours on end because your dopamine receptors are being fed at an insane rate(Post on dopamine and other hormones that help/hurt you later).

Changing your habits is not easy. Dozens of studies have shown that it takes about 3 weeks to fully change your habits, which you have to do consciously, a part of the brain that you only use about 5% of the time(Subconscious Mind). This can make it hard to change your habits, because our bodies and minds naturally want to keep doing the same actions over and over again because they are safe, easy, and don’t bring us close to danger on a daily basis, and that is the most basic role of the brain, to keep us alive so we can keep the human race going.

This is why you have to push outside your comfort zone as much as possible in order to change your bad habits, create new better ones, and keep progressing. There is a very simple way to do this:

As Tom Bilyeu said: “Use the negativity as a habit loop trigger to think something positive”.

In the simplest terms, this means whenever you have a negative thought, habit or belief, stop yourself immediately and think something positive, anything positive regarding your current subject to change your beliefs about that subject, which is the next progression to overcome limiting beliefs and change your entire self.


If you are still struggling with your thoughts and habits and keeping them positive, stick with just those two parts for now for about a week or two and come back to this post for the next part after you’ve successfully created a solid foundation to build your life on.

Beliefs are what we feel and derive from the thoughts and habits that we partake in. If you’ve followed the thoughts and habits blueprint to a tee, then your beliefs about yourself will be positive and you will be able to move forward faster than you ever have before because you will be constantly reinforcing amazing positive beliefs about you and your actions that propel you to another stage in life that you previously thought was impossible.

Beliefs are nothing more than the emotions that we unknowingly associated with the thought, habit or action we experienced at some time in our life.

Let’s say you had a traumatic experience as a child, or any time in your life, or you just have never felt fully confident in your life and want a breakthrough. This experience or event that occurred when you were younger has put a stronghold on your emotional state and being. Just think, what was the resulting feeling or emotion that you have felt rooting from that negative experience in your past. Was it a negative feeling? Something that you have always believed about yourself just because of one event? Maybe it was a collection of events. Alas, it really doesn’t matter what happened.

Everyone will follow the same blueprint on how to fix your issues, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, whatever. The reality is that whatever you felt and experienced just wasn’t true. If it a deep seated belief that you are not confident enough, have suicidal thoughts, in which case you should definitely call the suicide hotline(1-800-273-8255), or have some other limiting belief that has always stopped you from reaching your dreams, I’m here to tell you that feeling you have inside of you isn’t true.

If you have any thought that you aren’t enough for any emotionally driven reason, that is complete horseshit. There is no logical reason that this is true, and you have to start telling yourself that to heal that emotional or mental scar.

Now, just telling yourself that it isn’t true is not enough. You need to apply the thoughts practice, repeatedly telling yourself that you are good enough, you are amazing, you are confident as hell, you are sexy, you are the best person on the planet. Because that’s the reality with limiting beliefs. If you don’t believe you are the best, then you won’t be. On the other hand, belief in your incredible ability to do whatever you need to do to exacerbate your natural ability and talent will bring you one step closer to breaking free of your limiting beliefs and on the road to success and actual happiness, not fake laughter to hide your shame that you were unable to do that one thing again.

That leads me to the last part of this transformation from limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs:


This is a culmination of your thoughts(mantras), your habits(done through your subconscious mind), and your beliefs(emotions surrounding those thoughts and previous experiences you’ve had).

Action is the most important thing in this world.It is completely conscious, unlike habits. Without it, you will never progress. This is the most important point I will ever make: ACTION IS EVERYTHING. I do not care if you sprint in the completely, utterly wrong direction for 2 months. The only thing that will come from that failure is growth because you learned something you didn’t know before. From this failure, you will start moving in the right direction. This is everything. Do not bullshit yourself about how you need to be safe and perfect. Trying to achieve perfectionism is the fool’s way of saying that they are a coward.

You have to start taking action. Obviously don’t do anything stupid, but take some action, please, I’m begging you!! Only then will you know what you want to do in this life, and have the love, passion, gratitude and drive in your heart required to achieve this goal that you originally thought was “impossible”.

Those are the four pillars to changing your limiting beliefs forever:

  1. Thoughts 2. Habits 3. Beliefs 4. Actions

Do these as described in this post and you will be baffled at how fast you move toward your goals, just as I was.

Leave a comment, share with your friends and family, and spread this message to change everyone’s limiting beliefs forever. We here at LifeLESSONs are proud to be on the side of change. Change your life, and reap those rewards. Love you guys. Never mother******* give up!!!